Flea at Vinegar Yard London Bridge

Stand der Angaben: 10.01.2024


Vinegar Yard

St Thomas Street
SE1 3QX London

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Infos fĂŒr Besucher

  • Essen und Trinken
  • SanitĂ€re Anlagen/WC vorhanden

Infos fĂŒr HĂ€ndler

  • Kostenpflichtiger Standplatz

Quellen zur Veranstaltung

Gut zu Wissen

Flea is an exciting vintage and makers market at Vinegar Yard in central London, just moments from London Bridge station and the Shard.

Inspired by European markets, and with an emphasis on sustainable living and independent traders and makers, Flea has an eclectic mix of well chosen stalls selling vintage fashion, antiques, vinyl, books, jewellery, cameras, art, retro furniture, lighting, new designs from up and coming artists and designer makers plus much more.

​Wander around the stalls where you will find something fabulous and unusual and enjoy the food, bars and Pop Up shops at Vinegar Yard.

Flea takes place every Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon - 5pm at Vinegar Yard, St Thomas Street, London ​SE1 3QU​.


All pitches are covered and a 1.8m table is provided.
Our opening hours are 12 noon - 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Load in is from 10am.
Our pitch fee is ÂŁ35 per day

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Kontaktdaten des Veranstalter

Flea at Vinegar Yard
St Thomas Street
SE1 3QU London

Veranstalternummer: 92235

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